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Will 64drive HW2 ever be back in stock?

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 1:53 am
by RdCrestdBreegull
Is there any word whatsoever if the 64drive HW2 will be back in stock ever? Or should I finally break down and buy an Neverdrive? I have wanted a 64drive for years and have only just been able to buy one, but it seems they have been out of stock for an entire year.

Re: Will 64drive HW2 ever be back in stock?

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:06 am
by byc
The last update was May-2019. I'm assuming if there were supply issues or the future of 64drive was uncertain, or if interest was lost in supporting it, there would be a new update by now.

Yeah the lack of updates sucks, but it's a complicated situation made worse during a pandemic. Plus by not taking orders, he cut off a source of income, which means paying the bills becomes a whole lot more important.

So you can be patient and wait and see, you can get your hands on an X7, or just make due for free with the new Parallel RDP renderer for emulators that's been getting hyped up, which allows for 2x bit-accurate upscaling of the N64 RDP, which is exactly what it'd look like if the N64 had such a mode.

Re: Will 64drive HW2 ever be back in stock?

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 4:31 pm
by mistamontiel00
Will he jus refund Yoshi already :?

Lucky me for getting the 1 way back but seriously needed the 2 much sleek

"a month or so", such damning!

Re: Will 64drive HW2 ever be back in stock?

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 8:25 pm
by Yoshi
Next month, in March it will be two years since I placed my order.

To day of today I am still without my order and without the refund.

@RdCrestdBreegull don't expect anything.

This is my original thread: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=211&p=1000&sid=55c3 ... 23af#p1000