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Re: N64 HDMI converter thread

Sat Jun 18, 2016 12:03 am

marshallh who do you recommend buying an n64 from with your mod in it already?

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Re: N64 HDMI converter thread

Sun Jun 26, 2016 2:20 am

Since Marshall H seemed to enjoy people posting pictures of their modded up N64 HDMI systems I present to you all the mother of all N64 Ultra HDMI mods a console worked on by both my personal hero Wes Almond of (who performed the N64 Ultra HDMI mod itself) but followed up by another hero of mine who is perhaps the world's greatest console painter.

His paint mod was necessary I think to fully perfect my Nintendo 64 experience via theming the console after my favorite videogame of all time The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time but yes without further ado the painter in question who paint modded my console with high quality Sikkens automotive paint (not to mention backlighting the console for me) is none other than the one, the only, the famous Zoran Verhovsek otherwise known as Zoki64! :P




My errr uhhh "unit" is a clone you see of a Nintendo 64 he made a few years back for someone else who commissioned his work. People buy many clones of his various consoles. He had to use slightly larger gold flakes for my console I guess since his local paint shop in Slovenia was all out of the smaller ones but it still turned out very good I think.

Zoki is so damned good at what he does (art wise) that even after Wes forgot to put Marshall H's retroactive decal on the bottom of the console all I had to do was send Zoki a picture of another console's sticker I had Ultra HDMI modded up and he literally created a new decal/sticker from scratch and he believes (as do I) that he even used the same type of paper Marshall used to create the actual official decals.

So anyway there's damn near nothing art wise this little bugger from Slovenia can't do.

He's a friggin phenomenon in his field really. 8-)

Anyway in closing here's the original console video my console is based off of.

P.S: Just to brag some more I'm quite certain I'm the FIRST N64 Ultra HDMI console owner to have my freshly modded up console painted by Zoki so go me!!!

P.P.S: I fully intend to make Marshall's mod even more famous with Zoran's help as we have a great new upcoming N64 we're working on ideas around together and its gonna be freakin great...I own three N64 Ultra HDMI modded consoles in total all of which were modded by Wes Almond of once again hehehe. :lol:

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Re: N64 HDMI converter thread

Wed Jul 06, 2016 2:26 pm

I hope Marshall comes back to this project to iron out the last issues.

When I have the UltraHDMI connected to my AVR (even when the N64 is turned off), HDMI-CEC does no longer work.

It's no dealbreaker, but annoying, because I always have to disconnect the HDMI cable of the N64.

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Re: N64 HDMI converter thread

Wed Jul 06, 2016 5:09 pm

I would like to see some more graphics filter settings if at all possible to smooth out/enhance the jaggy pixely graphics, even if they make the picture look worse, they can always be turned off. Would love to see if the graphics can get as close to emulator quality as possible.

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Re: N64 HDMI converter thread

Mon Jul 11, 2016 12:16 am

Having this error when switching from the Bomber's notebook on the Majora's Mask GC roms (normal/rgb output on the n64 does not have this issue; mode changes from 240p -> 480i -> 240p).
Zelda MM GC
20160507_150348_web.jpg (82.79 KiB) Viewed 42419 times

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Re: N64 HDMI converter thread

Mon Aug 01, 2016 1:56 pm

there is a lot of faint visual noise and some audio popping. Visual noise very obvious when on the race track for R/C Pro Am II (the grass has lots of noise), and audio popping is pretty obvious when playing Super Mario Bros 3.
Do you have any pictures of the phenomenon occuring? Which firmware version?

Everybody else sit tight more units are on the way.
So more than 8 week have passed and I guess the ol' China ship should have landed in the US... Any update on the stock situation Marshall? :-)

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Re: N64 HDMI converter thread

Fri Aug 12, 2016 4:18 am

Changelog for new FW update (not yet published):
changelog.jpg (32.57 KiB) Viewed 40914 times
@Marshall: Is there a fix planned or in this FW for the problem when connecting the UltraHDMI to a CEC AVR?

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Re: N64 HDMI converter thread

Tue Aug 16, 2016 11:02 pm

how to update the mod without marshall's development cart?

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Re: N64 HDMI converter thread

Tue Aug 16, 2016 11:22 pm

how to update the mod without marshall's development cart?

You can update using a different Nintendo 64 flash cart such as Krikzz Neverdrive 64 but I wouldn't recommend anyone update to 1.04 firmware as I just did and it introduced weird visual artifacts to my videogame screen no matter which game that I play.

If I play Ocarina Of Time for example there's weird blue streaks smudging the characters and environments not to mention ANY game that I play has four or more lines coming down the screen from top to bottom.

I performed the update correctly and did all the troubleshooting methods I could think of from unplugging cables and carts to plugging things back in and even resetting the Ultra HDMI to default settings but NOTHING I did removed the artifacting.

So yeah guys I don't know if its just my N64 at the moment that is malfunctioning from the 1.04 update but all of you might want to think twice before you apply it until others begin saying it worked ok for them.

Last thing I want to make clear is the games on my console all still work fine and the sound is crisp and clear but the visual artifacts are VERY annoying.

I hope it's something Marshall can fix in a future update or perhaps he can give us some way to downgrade to a previous update to fix the problem. :(

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Re: N64 HDMI converter thread

Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:02 am

Can It be updated by jtag?

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